
Wait, didn’t the Chinese people do this thing where they decide it’s ok to hate on Japan and everything Japanese every once in a while?

Semantics are important, because words mean things.

It DOES matter because they imply different things. Why do you think we’re all here talking about it?

So everything in Overwatch 2 could be in Overwatch 1, it will even receive the improved graphics and models...

I haven't played seriously since Brawl, but... Are Smash Bros players ever happy with anything they get?

Tip 1: Go and complain about the fact that there is no option to keep your detailed list view.

Apparently you haven’t played a lot of FPS.

The new Steam library places a big emphasis on “collections,” which allow you to organize games according to Steam-generated tags or whatever arbitrary criteria you please. If you want to add a new game to a collection, you can right click on that game and scroll down to “add to,” but that’s a pain.

“Mass tragedy today as hundreds of commuters cars in Atlanta suffered catastrophic tire punctures at highway speeds, leading to major pileups with hundreds of casualties and an unknown number of deaths. The cause was identified as thousands of tiny, plastic 4-sided pyramidal objects, strewn across the highway. These

But, does every game with historical (ish) setting have to be deep with political commentary...?

Zero crashes or performance issues on PS4.

Edit: actually, let me try to be nicer

It’s a buyer’s market. Surely she wouldn’t do it if there wasn’t an audience on Twitch for it

I keep seeing 30-40 hour completion times and I must ask: what are you people doing?

There are zealous fanatics whose plots you end, but these are always the works of rogue actors rather than a systemic issue inherent to church doctrines.

I’m really enjoying it, but it is clearly more ambitious than the studio was fully capable of realising.

Yeah by reading a review from someone who was determined not to like this game. Which was already pretty obvious from reading her “Ten Hours In” post.

This is a budget game. IIRC it had something like a $5 million budget made by a team of around 50 people. That has to be taken into account when critically looking at something like this. 

I think I’m about halfway through the game and I agree with a lot of the criticism, even if I think I kind of get some of the design choices. The mechanics are really clunky at times and the lack of choices in some situations is puzzling. Also this game so desperately needs a proper codex that it is ridiculous. There

Wonderful piece. Thanks for this.