
Did you seriously feel a need to write this article? Why? Whether a small development studio is all male or all female or what-have-you does not matter. Your statement of, “So, presumably, the founder had met at least a couple of women who were skilled enough to work at one of the highest-profile video game companies

Jeez...it’s a freaking startup, can you just give him some slack.

This websites disdain for video games and video game companies is just shocking, given it is a video game site.  Read that article again…Is that really a measured reaction to a company providing you playing statistics, and encouraging you to come back?  No wonder it is dying.

I'm so fucking excited for this I cannot stand it. 

this game is so difficult...

Man, I loved my 3Ds, and New 3ds XL. Such a great platform. So many good games. Of course, that can be said about the DS, the GBA, even the Gameboy. I’ve gone from intending to use the Switch exclusively on the dock to having a Switch Light and never using the docked Switch.  Nintendo games just play so well on

I had a launch model in pretty bad shape, so this was a natural purchase for me, and it’s... actually pretty cool. The new stand is great, the new screen is a massive upgrade and it’s cool that the new dock has a LAN port. Saves me a dongle. I don’t love how floppy the dock is (people kept worrying that the tighter

“I hate the taste of water”

The same reviewers probably played 26 FIFAs, 15 Final Fantasies, and not complained a word.

I think the other factor is just how many of these games there are. Most normal people only play 1 or 2 series or games. If you’re a critic, you’re expected to keep up with all of them, which makes it all the more evident where content is just being copied and pasted. 

There isn’t one, Matthew Gault is just unable to articulate his thoughts in a meaningful way.

“’Far Cry 6' is creatively and morally bankrupt...

Like Returnal, we don’t need manual saves, we need save and quit. Just the ability to stop playing and go to bed, or go make dinner. 

Dismissing all replies because Kotaku readers are apparently butthurt babies and I’m not in the mood to be harassed by a bunch of strangers on the internet who don’t fucking know a godamned thing about me telling me I’m a neckbeard. Piss off with your fake outrage over a dumb joke. Jesus.

Wait... Is this article about the lack of integrity in games journalism?!?

Just saw it discounted on steam. I either haven’t or haven’t for awhile seen it cheaper than full price and it is tempting.

“I choose to remove myself from criticism, while still earning money from any new Freddy’s games that come out. Conveniently, since I won’t be the public face anymore, many who might have hesitated to buy them will decide that this makes it fine to again. Even though I’ll still get the money and almost certainly still

I think the werewolf is just pissed about his data plan from AT&T.

but it’s been anything but an easy road to get there.”

A lot of folks know him as Jeffrey Kaplan, but he’ll always be “Tigole” to me - the screen name he went by when he started his career. Ya know, as in, “Tigole Bitties”.