
Will they fire the staff and outsource to India ? 

Is it overly hard or grindie ? Some reviews said yes ... 

When I go to buy a game, sometimes I have my nieces or a friend’s kid with me, so they always want some little plushie or crapola and I buy it because Im not the parent, spoil the children! So Im sorry Gamestop workers..  

So her fans threaten to murder him or something I guess?  

16 dollars an hour does not even compare to the amount of work put in. But its low skill labour.. uhh its still very unpleasant..

None of this is viable until infrastructure is seriously updated.. Most places have poop internet, we cant all be like Japan..

Things change so much during development, I dont even want to bother looking at things until they are final or much closer to release date.  GTA 6, we’ll be lucky if its out by 2024. 

I feel pretty stupid that I assumed that all movies/tv did everything they could to make the people involved feel safe and secure when doing intimate scenes.. It is gross to think how many people felt not safe, and the underage stuff is just...... just wow, disgusting..

“Pay for stuff”  ... Oh Kotaku and their hot takes just to get clicks..  

We just generally suck as a society and I guess are cool with women being shit on..  

Im dumb, didnt even think of the accessibility..  

Why must they use the destiny circle in the UI, still don’t like it.  

Its an easy thing to focus/not focus on when its hard to focus.. I was like least I can play a bunch of games now! Nope, sorry Horizon 2, I seriously cannot focus.. back to just laying down ...  

Ubisoft is weird but I saw a bunch of articles right away saying how it was going to be cancelled..  Like boom, one rumor, GAME IS GOING TO BE CANCELLED!!!  Life is weird..  

Kittens dont pay the bills, call of duty does! it was nice while it lasted at the beginning..  

Okay but what about the 10 WORSE anime on Netflix?!!

I downloaded it and said what a dumb game.. Three hours later I was like oops I forgot to do laundry and clean my actual stuff ...  

Its such a great show, I was sure it was going to be cancelled and forgotten about.. 

But but my internet outrage! You mean it does nothing?!!!!   

So dont feed babies coffee you say?  Interesting!