
300 DOLLARS! are they insane..  

You can dive at the Nook islands!

So let's all boycott the Assassin's Creed brand now ?

Why is this POS still CEO? seems like a major douchebag. 

Oooo cars 2 and fable!!! Nice! 

Persona 5 again woot!!!!   

God bless you animal crossing, god bless you. 

Ori 2!!!!!  Its been pretty fun so far, then some Rune Factory 4 Special I reckon.  

forever?  As long as capitalism rules, screw poor people is the motto.. 

Waste it?! Uhh my cats would kill me, they love that stuff! 

That looks adorably fun!  Never even heard about it until now.. 

Ori Ori Ori!!

Without the loot, isn’t there even less to the actual game then?  What will be the loop?  

Im pretty sure when I was young, after I mowed someone’s lawn theyd give me a box I couldnt open until hours later as a reward..  I dunno where you lived..  

Oh dang thats a nice surprise!!!

Nice, can’t wait for that new stadia game in 3-5 years!

I feel like if I do this, Im just 1 step away from doing crack..

I know right, throw Ali Wong in jail! oh wait what?  

Do you need to be World Tier 5 to start it like the other stuff? 

It is a fun game at that price.Had more fun than part 1