
One day, on one of those HOARDERS tv shows, I want to see someone with all kinds of old timey video games.. 

I talked to most, but I did not have a good handle on the space movement after the tutorial. 

Oh I kept dying, not sure what I was supposed to do, went to some planets that killed me fast or I did something dumb. Just patience basically, game doesnt hold your hand, its a good thing.  Its more a ME problem than a game problem. 

Oh god, getting that Paladin mount was a big deal...  was so happy back in the day... 

I gave up on this game like 3 times before I finally got into it.  It was worth it!

I hope the motion controls work well like in Splatoons!

NG Spirit Hunter!!!

Tom Clancy is rolling over in his grave because of this game!

That air pollution is going to kill us all eventually.

I dont see how you have the energy to keep writing about all these micro-transactions. Companies won’t change because people keep buying.. You deserve a raise.

Will they ever put their new releases on it like Xbox does?  

We still love you!

That is an awesome music box!  Nuts to guilt, you only live once, you deserve to be happy. 

There was no real problems with having your account on two different Switches right? Not quite sure why this worries me but it always comes to mind when thinking of buying a lite version to party with.

I would love for this to be the kind of scandals the president is involved in.. Oh he put on brown face and apologized.. okay wake me up when he starts putting immigrant children in jail as a start.

I actually thought they werent making any more of them... Yay thankfully they are!!  Tales is one of my favourite series!

I always did wonder if selling the games so cheap was worth it.. I guess it was!

Put him Schreier Jail!

Good to know which company to not support.. Nuts to that guy.  

So its a mobile game...  my heart hurts..