meh its fine, they tell their story how they want to. Was never going to be able to fit things into 6 episodes nicely no matter what they did
meh its fine, they tell their story how they want to. Was never going to be able to fit things into 6 episodes nicely no matter what they did
Its a good decision, its supposed to be end game content not lets have randoms do it first try. You dont play a MMO and complain when you can solo the raids..
Soon, play Street Fighter and Tekken on your phone! Who needs complex moves when you just tap !
There’s no reason we can’t increase funding for education, which you’d think would be #1 on our agenda.. But guess its better to keep most people dumb and poor.
Its sad because I enjoyed the gameplay for the most part. Oh well, back to division 2.
Sony makes some weird butt decisions sometimes..
I forgot this was 1950..
Boo, I was considering getting this... Thanks for writing this and saving me some money.
yeah his sudden bursts of rage are really weird and doesnt seem to fit in. I get what they were trying to do but... doesn’t come across as anything other than awkward.
Valhalla or however its spelled on PS4, fun bar adventure so far.
Difference being that God of War was super fun... Days Gone is... just another open world game.
I wish I was a hot mess
Thank god for Jim Carrey, movie should be able him.
They’re going to start a riot!!!
Should take 16 what?!!!
Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of eliminating dangerous plays? Why bother to have the rule then if you still endorse people doing risky things like that.
Success comes at a cost, those employees will never see enough compensation to make up for it. They fool you with the loyalty and love of the content you are building but companies couldn’t care less.
Its coming out in November but very few details are actually there.. I have a hard time believing its going to happen unless they pull another Anthem.
The shock of how we treat others and justify it to ourselves is just staggering.. What if white people needed help and we brushed them off.
I used to aerate this douche’s lawn when I was younger. He is actually a much bigger asshole in person than on TV if you can believe that.