
It is a pretty buggy and rough game. Feels like it was made by highschool students at times.

Never heard of this game before, thank you for sharing! I wanna pick it up now.

Cant let old Donny talk when the alzmers is setting in. Someone didnt put him down for a nap fast enough.

Dont most games already have this label already?

Woot America!!!! Capitalism ftw! If you dont like it you dont love our country!

My 13 year old daughter keeps calling people malakia now... Assassin’s Creed is ruining our children! I am totally a great parent for letting my daughter play a Mature rated game...

I wish theyd just let you save anywhere with the alcohol requirement as the game does tend to crash.

Probably some contract/deal the company made and you can’t not release something that was promised, even if it sells nothing.

oh I hope sword art is good!

I was at the Boston game where they were shouting the N word at PK Subban for basically the entire game, he just ignored it.

Why would you put the name of a sponsor in your title.. Thats their own damn fault. And Journalism is always dictated by money, you’re a fool if you think otherwise.

Its kinda nice companies dont give up on their games and try things.

I wanted Donald Glover to be Han Solo, would have been way cooler!

I was looking forward to being able to skip the bonding scenes.

Why would someone call someone sugar tits?

For me she refuses to play anything that isnt Assassin’s Creed... .. . I have failed..

Thats a new way to do DLC... Where are the loot boxes!

Well actually playing through the game, it needed a lot more time and 20 gig patches.

ummm dont we want to win all the gold medals? Why wouldnt we send anyone who will...

yeah but all those illegal immigrants though... they are the real problem.