
I LOVE my 920. I think that if Nokia would make that phone a little thinner and lighter, it would be perfect. So it looks like Nokia is on top of it.

I'm fine with iOS in it's current state. I just wanna see an iPhone with at least a 4.5" screen.

Ironically, when I hear the word ecosystem, I can't help but think of Blackberry. They keep talking (and acting) like they have an ecosystem, but they don't. All they have is an OS with a kernel that "might" be able to support one someday. The other companies mentioned understand what an ecosystem is.

does every laptop "have" to look like a MacBook now? Seriously. PC OEM's can't come up with anything new?

well, Apple is usually really good at taking and really poor at giving back. So that's not really surprising.

"Battery life has become at best the fourth of fifth thing you mention. It shouldn't be. It should be the very first".

kinda interesting to me that HTC is catching Hell for copying the iPhone 5, yet Blackberry seems to get a pass with its IDENTICAL Z10....

For your money, yes. Check out speeds and prices in other countries.


was this the ones day of the year you read Jalopnik?

As a proud owner of a Lumia 920...I have to agree with you. But for the record, I am SO disappointed at Microsoft's total sense of urgency with Windows Phone.

one of my bigger regrets in Tech is not getting in on the original Zune pass before it went away.

Two things: Two things:

Future Deadspin headline: Rams finish 26th in Total Defense.

Why wouldn't Apple be open to the idea of making multiple iPhone models? Big ones, small ones... Does there really have to "only one"?

I would love to see a Windows Phone competitor to the Samsung Galaxy Camera!

Gee, what great options. Adopt an OS that only 1 company, Samsung, is making money with...or....adopt an OS that NOBODY is making money with. RIM made the right decision to stick with their own OS.

I applaud GM for making the Aztek. If you remember, at the time, GM was a stodgy, bland company that needed a jolt in design. Although I'm not crazy about the Aztek (I really like the front, not so excited about the back), I would like to remind people of Robert Lutz'(heavily paraphrased) comments a few years ago that

you beat me to this. My first thought when they saw the rear end was they raided the Camaro parts bin.

all that is missing is an Instagram app. other than that, I have been able to find everything I use on a daily basis. And truth be told, I couldn't care less about Instagram.