We Stand Together

“That’s a nice first amendment you got there. Be a shame if anything happened to it.”

What the hell is he so afraid of?” Quite literally everything.

Wait. so a child has a toy gun on his desk during a Zoom class, and he gets a visit from the cops and gets suspended ... but a politician brandishes his weapon in the Zoom meeting, and he gets a hearty belly laugh?

I bet if insecure 2nd Amendment Hero pulled his dick out, no one could have even seen it.

Perhaps I’m just not very savvy...but I’m wondering how do you spray paint to burn a city down?

Just because it gets hard again doesn’t make the memories of hearing “is it in?” go away.

I guess he's ok as long as he didn't start greasing the barrel?

You’d think once they came out with ED meds, 40+yo men’s fascination with brandishing large guns would have eased up.

Didn’t Jeffrey Toobin get fired for doing that exact same thing?

You’re spray painting to burn our city down,” only makes sense in the context of the zero-tolerance, broken-windows mindset that damages community-relations without having been shown to be effective after decades of attempts.

Man, what do mostly Black anti-racism protesters have to do to be met with police officers who are slow to use unnecessary force?

It’s the same instinct that leads the fragile to respond with “not all white people” whenever someone blames white people for something.


And ugly. Don’t forget ugly.

Do the math: 3 vaccine deaths worldwide > 2.5M covid deaths.

Not to undermine your very salient point but not trusting juggalos is still a solid policy.

Just a reminder, you can be part of the proud boys, and multiple other recognized hate groups and still serve in the US armed forces, but you cannot like a duo of rapping clowns and still serve. Our country long ago deciding bad taste in music was far more dangerous than being a racist who wants to overthrow the

While I’m not saying that Beeler’s story is untrue, or that he should have gotten harsher treatment...”