We Stand Together

Trump will never admit wrong and never reign his shit in, because he has never faced consequences for any of his actions. If you want him to do something you have to make him do it. Want him to shut the fuck up? Make him. Want him to go away? Make him. Any wiggle room and he will wiggle. He will find the line and

Ah yes, let’s not anger the group that:

I want a full panel of LEDs across the front of the mask and sensors on the inside for mouth movement. Then let me download customized "mouths" that appear on the LEDs and match what my mouth is doing.

These racist traitors sicken me and Marvel needs to be zealous in reclaiming their Punisher trademark. I have been a comic book and Punisher fan for most of my life and am now shamed to admit it. The Punisher is an interesting fictional character but he is a murderous anti-hero and the last character that “peace

This weekend will be interesting. Like 18661 all over again. I meant, like 1923 all over again. No, no, I meant like 1954 all over again. What I meant to say was like 1992 all over again. Ok, last time I mean it will be like 2016 all over again.

Watch out for weasel words:

Now imagine every day more Americans die than in all the 9/11 attacks, and the President is worried about his locked Twitter account.

From what I’ve parsed together through various accounts, there are a few unmarked offices strewn across the Capitol building which are used to store the electoral votes from the states when they’re not on the Senate floor for certification.

Robbed after a medical emergency?

Whypipos protecting one another is obvious...BUT THIS IS THE BEST STATEMENT THEY COULD THINK UP? They didn’t arrest Blake, so clearly what he was doing was not justified motivation to shoot him. This is fucking stupid, so this is just let by gones be by gones? It was just a misunderstanding and your souvenir is a

Like every other story about this kind of situation ... and I agree, it’s disheartening for the fact that there is a constant stream of them (and we all know there is an iceberg of volume that we never hear about) ... what I want, in just one of them, is personal consequences for the individuals involved.

We give cops the power to take life, but the laws of this country make them far less accountable for their actions than anybody else. Shouldn’t it be the reverse?

Some of those that work forces etc. You see it in the US military too. Turner Diaries readers, SS insignia flags, etc. 

First, I want to thank you and your peers for doing the hard part in order to bring us these articles. I beg all of you to take care of yourselves and avoid burn out.

From my perch, 1,000+ miles to the north of today’s action, I have nothing but admiration and respect for Georgians who are carrying a mighty weight on their shoulders this day. Overall, that admiration and respect goes out each and every day to all the BIPOC folx who continue to fight in this race war for equality.

Does the Not Fucking Around Coalition have a Drop Squad? A Senior Kickass Crew? Public shaming ain’t enough to curtail this behavior because not everyone, like this woman, follows social media, has a job to lose or a reputation to care about.

Idk when “reactions online” became newsworthy, but I couldn’t give a shit what some stupid asswipe on the internet thinks about Cardi B’s parenting skills. Don’t we all know at this point that the internet is full of hateful racist trolls who will bite at the chance to attack someone?

Definitely the weirdest cat I've ever seen

Love & Law