
FasTrak is also good for the environment/gas mileage since you don't have to slow down and speed up.

when will we see the driver's door on ebay...

I'm not last minute...but last minute and a half...why leave a lane unused when no one is in it. It just increases my percent of pokey drivers in the fast lane.

@Ben Wojdyla: That's the sad side of the internet...all these cars look better in person.

I think they early commenters have had too much Haterade. It looks pretty neat to me.

i guess my comment should have been directed to @c0de:

@layabout: I dunno...there's a GT2 100 feet from me now. It looks like a real Porsche to me. Technology changes...gotta keep up. I'm our children will say similar things about the current GT2.


@K5ING: that porsche is so steam-punk

Is the lighting playing with the picture, or are some of them a gunmetal gray? Cause a few of them looked quick "rad" if it was a raw gunmetal gray.

@jbownsabmw: don't it the wrong way...I love most BMWs. I'm all for high-brow design, I liked the original bangle-butt 7, but this has a little too much copying in it.

that's a nice looking lexiniti

@devilock138: agree...i don't like how he cowers behind the massive dingleberry on the back of his truck cooking weenies.

This reminds me of the T/A "Goldfinger"...give the Black Gold Datsun a run for it's money.

i actually want this car now

where's the placenta? too bad real birth isn't as pretty.

Good for dragons as well??

This would just rock...think that they'll use this chasis for the Crossman (the all-wheel Mini)?

yeah...his name was Nick...brotha.