
This place is right near me, and I really need to go there. The Defender is on my list of ‘someday’ cars, and likely, the price of these put them firmly in the ‘never’ category, but the work is done so well.

Whether talking about the books or the show, they really only had enough plot for a trilogy, but money keeps them churning more out.

I wanna tell y’all a story.

I wonder, why are advanced aliens so interested in the lower digestive track of random rednecks? What sort of secrets could lie deep inside the human colon, that compel these creatures travel hundreds of light years to do nothing more than incessantly probe buttholes?

Agreed. They use rape or attempted rape as a plot device way too much. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not squeamish about it. It just gets used way to often.

During that stable scene I yelled to my husband in the next room “Outlander is trying something different tonight- a man just sexually assaulted Claire and Jaime rescued her!” and my husband yelled “Shocking!”. I feel like Diana Galbadon knows exactly one trick and she’s gonna use it, over and over. There was one

All is as it should be. 

I feel like the longer Outlander goes on, the more it feels like it writes around the Sex Scene(s) Of The Week (that eventually hits Pornhub et al as soon as it’s over), not unlike how action franchises map out the setpieces first, then string a plot around them.

Re: ...scenes in the stable [...] brim with nuanced character work, pathos, and sensuality. It’s hot and realistic and frank about desire and the messy forms it can take...

I realize that historically women were more vulnerable in the 18th and 19th century especially in certain places, but the notion that every man is there to assault Claire besides Jamie feels both historically inaccurate and ridiculous, not least of all because Claire is a married woman who should be in her 50s. It

Even less. Exchange rate is 1.02 Au dollarydoos to the Kiwi.

Yep, mine is a 25 year rule import. WA titles them as regular cars. Some states like OR ignore the federal law for some reason. I drove mine on the freeway yesterday and can do 60-70mph / 100-110kph. Still easy to pass people, but I still to the right lane most of the time. However, heavy winds do make it tough to

A Transit doesn’t look tough enough to stroke my ego.

Yikes. I hope you are short otherwise I hope you like sitting straight up.

No! Bad Texan bad!

37,990 Dollarydoos!

Highway legal here

That a lot extra for that conversation.  Personally I’d be more inclined to just install a trailer hitch and buy a small utility trailer at probably half the cost 

Especially if you have any extra toilet paper. 

That’s for sale 3/4 of the way across the country.