
The air itself is moving at 260mph. You can then add 540mph+ on top of that without worrying about breaking “Mach 1" since the relative speed of the plane vs the air is the actual limit for when it starts breaking up, as it’s not exceeding the air’s ability to move away in front of the plane in time before the

No, if anything the twins are even more overpowered because of the need to continue with takeoff on the loss of a single engine. The 787 and A350 are both just as fast as the A380 and 747 (M0.85 cruise) though the latter has a slight advantage (0.1 mach) due to a higher wing sweep angle. The 777 and 767 are both slight

British Airways managed to operate the “too expensive” Concorde at a profit every single year it was in operation almost entirely because of the JFK-Heathrow route. The Concorde was horrible, just completely useless, as a subsonic aircraft, which is what the U.S. forced it to be at all times over land. The government

Basically all of the more modern jets are designed for a lower cruising speed to lower fuel burn. The 747 was not (or at least, not to the same degree).

This article uses the word “Jounce” more times than all previous articles I’ve ever read in my life. 

This looks ..meh , but the DC streaming thingies HarleyQuinn animated show is knocking it out of the park right now ...

I was like, ‘Wow, there’s so many cool female DC characters and no one knows anything about any of them!’

Five years is a stretch... they green-lit the Birds of Prey movie before Suicide Squad was even released. And it started filming in 2018. Maybe saying it took five years from the initial pitch to when it is released on the screen. But not five years of crusading and resistance.

Wasn’t the ‘89 Punisher R-rated as well? And there were any number of female led action films before Wonder Woman, whatever Robbie believes. She’s clearly not trailblazing here. She’s not really doing herself any favors by playing the “lone, unheard visionary” angle.

The first quarter of 2020 will be catastrophic for studios counting on box office from China, as the 2019-nCoV viral outbreak has forced many cinemas across China to close during the Lunar New Year extended Holiday, and these closures and audiences’ reluctance to be outside and mingle among crowds will ensure much

Hmm, Shazam was a ton if fun. And really, really good. It had moments of darkness, but they were there the heroic moments shine more. I highly recommend it. 

I’m all for female leads and edgy R-rated comic stuff but Suicide Squad was boring. The DC flicks as a group have rarely been fun. Wonder Woman was maybe the best of the bunch and it was still mostly just okay. The previews for this have not convinced me this movie is going to be worth the ticket price. So good luck,

Catching a lot of crabs at the mall are you? 

Yes! I amended the post for clarification there.

Yes, another commenter also pointed this out too, I realized after the fact I got too caught up thinking about animals. Added a little clarification there, because of course!

Just say you think the truck is ugly and skip the rest of your garbage feelings journal.

It’s a costume for furries being sold with stuffing that you have to remove.

This is clearly meant to be emptied of stuffing and worn to some kind of convention.

I think it’s only fair for upset customers to take photos that emphasize the grotesquely long legs since joyfay clearly goes out of their way to de-emphasize them. Those legs are fucked up and Joyfay knows it.