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    This might be the most Burke thing ever.

    Well, you used the word.

    If that’s your version of a fuckfest, you’re doing it wrong.

    Hawt GDP Take!

    People who actually play soccer/futbol/football don’t call them PKs.

    “A game happened. It was bad. We don’t know the score. Here’s a video”

    You must not know any rich people.

    “Omg, a guy rented a house out to partyers and the police were called.

    Son: Maybe he’s just sleeping, Dad. Can you make sure he’s dead?

    “...LeBron James, quite possibly the best passer ... in NBA history.”

    Relax, dude. If you were more athletic, maybe you could catch some foul balls too.

    Relax, lady. Take your anxiety meds.

    Lol, no. Go back to your farm in the country.

    “In a few years, it’ll be seen as on par with the prequels.”

    Who is maraschino?

    Is she elite?

    Scorching hawt take from Burk.

    There’s nothing else to report on, apparently.


    Thanks for the male couples ice dance video.