Wes Lawson

I'm pretty mad they didn't pick up that Reba/Marc Cherry nighttime soap, which, aside from sounding wonderfully trashy in all the right ways, could have easily replaced the upcoming Scandal hole in Shonda Night, and brought even more gays to that Thursday block.

So, worth seeing live? I love them and want to see them, but I live in KC, so driving 3-4 hours to STL/Des Moines, plus gas/hotel/etc… has to be for someone who's worth it.

At least with this one, despite the calculation, there's at least a sense of a person there, an artist who wants to try things. The other 1D guys' solo stuff could have been written and performed by a computer.

Did they ever recover Ben and Leslie's lock? I'm not optimistic about this one.

"Stephen King-based movies and shows are great and all, but what's really been missing is a lead with distractingly strong sexual magnetism."
"We already have Carla Gugino in Gerald's Game coming up."
"Yes, but… what about something for the ladies and the gay dudes?"

Fun game: read all NDT tweets in Steve Brule voice.

Random thoughts:

"Among Harvey's qualifications are that he's been married three times, and possibly gained some insights from his two ex-wives about how they failed to keep him. This is not a history to inspire confidence, but in the movie "Think Like a Man," we're expected to believe that every woman in the film bought the book and

In another duality, the thing that catapulted it to success (Twitter) is the thing that killed it. The show quickly sacrificed coherence and believability for #OMG moments - in the pre-Trump period, the idea that a Republican president could get re-elected after two major sex scandals and an assassination attempt was

I just remembered that Kimmy Schmidt did a joke about this in season 2. "Oh, I'm supposed to know Friends, but you don't know Living Single?"

"College-age people" is certainly a new euphemism for the N-word, I'll grant you that.

Another really true moment for me was the trivia scene, where Reggie dominates and says "I know all YOUR shit, and I know all MY shit!"

Also, the floaty camerawork in the earlier walk-and-talk scene was very indicative of who directed this episode.

Like most stories of this sort, this was fun when the batshit craziness was happening, and is getting boring now that we're into the dry legalese.

Not sure this won't fall into Walking Dead-levels of wheel spinning as a series, but at the very least, Frances Conroy is an unimpeachably perfect casting replacement for Marcia Gay Harden.

As tour riders go, none of this is that weird or diva-ish. It's not Madonna requiring 20 international phone lines and six-inch stems on her roses, or Prince requiring all the food to be shrinkwrapped so he could open it, or Mariah Carey demanding none of the help speak to her or look at her.

Limited series is apropos, as it'll be shot and conceived as such, and then get another 2-3 unnecessary seasons, just like how we've been rehashing the Dem race for six months after it mattered.

It pleases me that his favorite thing he's done is Jesse James. That's a goddamn masterpiece right there.

The great paradox of my life: I absolutely hate watching real life baseball, but probably 8 of my 10 favorite sports movies are about baseball.

His ass was ridiculous. Like, carved from marble sculpted. And it was wonderful.