I wouldn't go that far, but I will say that the casting, acting and direction in ASM 1 and 2 was not the problem.
I wouldn't go that far, but I will say that the casting, acting and direction in ASM 1 and 2 was not the problem.
Guess the Traffic/Swimfan residuals finally dried up.
Relevant: http://www.theonion.com/art…
He was the LET'S BURN THIS MOTHERFUCKER DOWN fast food employee from Harold and Kumar for me. And then he was in The Departed two years later. What a varied career he's had.
Gay Panic Jokes: Tainting your memories of childhood comedies you rewatch as an adult since 2010.
I also saw Southland Tales at that Chicago theater! There were about 25 people in the audience when it started, and less than 10 when it finished.
My high school job was at a movie theater in the projection era, and let me tell you, frantically picking up Finding Neverland off the floor as it melted and flew off the platter on Christmas Day, and then going down to a crowd of screaming customers who couldn't understand why we can't just rewind the movie, is what…
I'm kind of surprised by all of this - the trailer views, the immediate meme cycle, the press. I mean, it looks solid, but I didn't realize IT had this level of cultural cache. Guess scaring a generation of kids in book and TV movie form means we're receptive to it.
My only lasting memory of An Extremely Goofy Movie is when the Pauly Shore character is staring at his hands and asks his friends, "you guys ever wonder why we're, like, always wearing gloves?"
I'll see this and probably mildly enjoy it, but I checked out as soon as I saw the Lumiere/Cogsworth/Mrs. Potts designs. So needlessly busy and ugly.
"Evans’ agents or management are concerned that his outspokenness will cost him at the box office."
The "here's why it was important" recappers felt like a bad critic writing a desperate defense of a panned/flop movie/TV show.
I don't live in DC, but my partner and I work for different federal agencies in our city - can confirm that this is pretty much the MO. Every time he announces something (the hiring freeze, for example), we get an email that says "well, we have no idea how this affects us immediately, but we'll let you know when we…
She's not kidding about Lawrence - Insecure was by far the sexiest male TV cast of last year. Great show too.
Like Alan Farrell, I neither love nor hate Beyoncé. I am ready for my induction into the internment camps.
Remember when that Benedict Cramblesmirch Julian Assange movie came out and dropped dead a couple years back, and most critics said it was foolish to make a movie about a guy whose story was still unfolding and lacked historical context?
Remember when AV Club used to post ten supercuts a day instead of ten Trump articles? Good times.
This too. And if you aren't in 100 percent agreement with a movie's worldview and politics, it is garbage.
There's a particular strain of "woke" black Twitter activist that thinks all white people are just one moment away from saying the N-word. That is, white supremacy and Eurocentrism has corrupted us so thoroughly that we cannot possibly have any encounter with a black person that isn't meant to fetishize, subjugate,…