I saw Fences and, to be honest, while the acting was superb and the play remains a classic, I found the movie version to be awkward and monotonous. Every year there's an Oscar contender I'm not fond of, and I think this is 2016's.
I saw Fences and, to be honest, while the acting was superb and the play remains a classic, I found the movie version to be awkward and monotonous. Every year there's an Oscar contender I'm not fond of, and I think this is 2016's.
This used to all be streaming on Amazon, and then got yanked inexplicably about a year ago - I assumed because Next Class was on Netflix and they had a new deal when them, but I guess not.
This is fucking embarrassing, but Vin Diesel in Pitch Black, the first FF and the first XXX were my gay awakening (equally strange is that none of the guys I've ever dated bear even the slightest resemblance to him). For that if nothing else, I can never hate the guy.
I hope this one is a little more…. dynamic? I agreed with almost all the points he was making in it, and appreciated the effort to get people to care, but holy shit was it boring.
Also, for all the deserved shit critics and audiences give him, when you take worldwide figures into account, all of his movies have grossed more than their budgets. Yes, even After Earth.
First I heard of it was the trailer before Hidden Figures last weekend. I thought, "hey, this looks like a middling late-March-early-April thriller that I catch on Netflix in a year… wait, it comes out next weekend?"
Furthermore, this is, like, the fourth shitty horror movie Douglas Smith has been in. Did the Big Love residuals run out? Is he too unusual looking to get better roles? How long can he play a teenager?
The Atlanta Child Murders would be reaaaaaaaaaally hard to do, given that it's about 28 black children getting murdered across three years. But it's a good story, and it would have a huge cast, a period setting, and could employ basically every black actor working today. The killer, Wayne Williams, bears a reasonably…
"Do we really need to tell you what this is? Look at our track record. Look at our upcoming slate. You're going to see it."
No Strings Attached, Your Highness and Thor came right after Hesher and Black Swan, both of which she co-produced. It's possible she a) needed the money after doing two indies for peanuts, and/or b) needed the money in case outside financing fell through on one of said indies.
Something I've noticed is that personal enjoyment of birthdays often correlates to 1) when your birthday is in the year, and 2) the proximity of your birthday to major holidays (or, if you have them, siblings).
My favorite is still The Hangover getting renamed Very Bad Trip in all the countries where hangover isn't a common expression. (Also, 13 Going On 30 is Suddenly 30.)
Here's a rebuttal: all of your points are Fox News dogwhistles because the actual, legitimate criticisms people make of the left - drone bombings, increased foreign intervention, whistleblower prosecuting, surveillance - are things that Republicans are totally cool with, but you can't actually come out and say that…
I deleted mine years ago, but my Xanga is (I think?) still up. I go back every now and then for some full body cringe. Oh good, there's my six month "I'm saying I'm bisexual because I can't admit to myself that I'm gay" period, in writing!
I'm sure there's about to be a bunch of replies about how wrong I am, but aside from the organization vilified in it, I can't remember another documentary that had almost no pushback in angry tweets/articles/blog screeds about its content. SeaWorld is shitty, yo.
Mahershala Ali was in Predators! Two Moonlight alums now!
Charmed is crazy popular among LGBT people, which, as a gay man, I objectively get, but man, is it a terrible show. But this could go well with Jane the Virgin people behind it.
More shocking than the amount of piracy is the amount of people willing to watch cam copies of movies.
Additionally, while diversity doesn't necessarily make better movies, it encourages other perspectives, which can lead us away from typical Oscar bait movies. Look at Moonlight.