
Well since you weren’t there and I am going to assume your experience doesn’t make you all knowing so basically your opinion is no better then anyone else’s. Don’t act like you are more informed.

That’s what I figured. You cant

Good to know. I don’t think I would have thought twice about it. Gotta watch

Enlightening me on what I misread

Welcome to Jezebel

This isn’t racism in any way but are you saying disrespecting someone because of race isn’t racism?

Real question because I am out of the loop. Is it racist to call someone a white guy or a black woman, etc? How about if they are Mexican can you say that Mexican guy?

I wish the police would rough me up a bit. I could use the cash

Agreed her voice is basically shot. I think the deterioration of her voice combined with the difficulty of her songs is an impossible situation for her

Nobody in the world would say 2016 Britney is a good dancer. Its alot of hand movements. She cannot even be bothered to sing a ballad

Agreed and it sucks

This wins the dumbest comment on the whole internet

I agree but you have to admit this site is a heartbeat away from being a mirror in the opposite direction

Honest question. When does it become racist to negatively react to another racist post?

Oh relax.

I am sure you feel the same way about Hillary and Chelsea supporting Bill amirite?

I am sure they can waitress somewhere too?!

And?  choices and consequences

Hyperbolic much?