
They should quit

I really have nothing more to add except I will just say I don’t have a problem with the law or punishment for this guy if the trial is fair and he knowingly exposed others.

Not sure how it’s racist. I would say the same regardless of race. As far as homophobic your barking up the wrong tree. Im a card carrying mo.

The difference one is illegal, one is not. Pretty simple

Well I really don’t think the raw number of people that die from both diseases is an indication of severity.

What you do isn’t relevant. The laws are and it is illegal. Oh and vile

You are the best!

Are you seriously comparing HIV to the flu?

Well so you don’t die?

It’s interesting how strong readers are on this site for long sentences for rapists. If given the choice would you rather be raped or willingly given HIV? Both are horrible but I know my choice

Thanks for proving my point. You are only going to see racism and nothing else. You are incapable of having an intelligent discussion about anything you perceive as having connection to racism. You have missed the whole point either willfully or due to extreme ignorance. Either way it’s just kinda sad.

Interesting. I am sure the OC had nothing better to do right then but deal with Sherman

Fair enough

I did not ask if everything trump said was correct. I asked was the content of the supposed Russian hacks that supposedly impacted the election so greatly correct. Specifically the podesta emails, the DNC hacks, or I guess anything other hacks youwant to comment on.

Please tell me what part of this post classifies it as troll? Seems like it’s just because you disagree?

Classic victim blaming

Those Kardashian girls have a lot to say

Was the information incorrect?

Are you new to life on earth? Both sides are complete hypocrites and will say or do almost anything

Great. Fuck the country over. And Trump is the childish one?