
When you say immigrants do you mean ones who are here illegally or has he said negative things about people who come here legally

I just have to ask what your sources are about all the verbal threats being received. I have seen a lot of conflicting information and I feel like it’s really hard for me to believe much I read anymore. The reason I ask is a read an article basically debunking a shit ton if these claims as baseless

I’m sorry but this is a bit absurd. I think people see what they want to see sometimes.

Not a trump supporter or a racist. It just seems like the worst possible strategy when a large part of the country were voting against “the elites”

How did you think calling people stupid, uneducated, racist was going to end well?

Elections have consequences

Oh good lord no. There has to be someone better then her

Couldn’t you use the same exact argument for voting for a third party candidate?

I am sure I will get railed for this comment  but honestly who cares. Everyone votes or not in this or any election for a host of reasons. Why do we have to read the endless articles about why? Its almost as bad as the endless selfies. Congratulations you voted.

It’s pop song created by many writers to be sold and profited from. Trust me. Its for you

I agree. She is the worst character on the show other then Landon

When is Craig coming out of the closet?

Funny enough the white person culture you so rudely say is non existent is the culture you live in and enjoy every day. Its part of the reason there is a “formation” at all. You benefit from it in so many ways.

I’m sorry but the irony is thick today. One week you’re a hero for mocking Trump, the next you are a racist.

What really gets old is when you cannot say or do anything because someone will be offended regardless.

Probably :(

Bread is generally not “healthy”

It’s almost as if you have to find the right equilibrium for your body. Sometimes you have to actually eat more to lose weight

Wrong. Your putting conditions on it based on your perception. Is it offensive to ask a pediatrician to diagnose an adult outside of work? I think not

Have sex for money?