If your knowledge and expertise in car repairs is any indication - yeah you might. What a chore to read.
If your knowledge and expertise in car repairs is any indication - yeah you might. What a chore to read.
Thanks for sharing your valuable opinion.
We’ve had several chances to read the article thus far, so you’d think we’d bother to finally get that taken care of. Let’s keep reposting it until everyone reads it.
Ugh, Jean’s neck looks like the end result of some medieval torture device. Also, if I let you know when I order this from Amazon, can you repost this article again?
Some stupid shit written by a hack ended up with the Joker having his face cut off.
Christ, that scene between Ivy and Harley was porn level cringe writing. “We both know where that leads.. us scissoring it like we’re garden shears” Cue porn music.
I can’t wait until Atlantis Attacks II.
No, not really. Marvel has been the House of Events for like multiple decades now.
Ugh. So, apparently David Bowie is somehow cooler/more reputable than Cosby because he can only be accused of statutory rape? Are you allowed to split these hairs because you’re female or because Bowie is more appealing?