
This needs to be un-grayed.

We're still asking ourselves that question.

"But there is an 'I' in 'Racism' and, as we all know, there is no 'I' in 'team' which the Redskins Football Club is, therefore there is no racism in our team."

You could make a pretty cool Dr Octopus costume for a chihuahua with these.

I know what it is, I just think it's an odd recommendation for fitness. There's a lot of joint and muscle pain that goes with it.

I live in Madison and he damn sure hasn't been around here that I've been aware of. I'm beginning to think he's a practical joke being played on us by some asshole in Minnesota.

If it makes you feel any better, a lot of us here in Wisconsin have never seen Ron Johnson.

"Two game suspension and a press conference with an apology from the victim should fix everything."

Likely. I mean, in some ways the neat charge isn't a big deal as far as you get a bit more booze poured in (supposedly it's to make the drink look fuller without the ice) but if you're getting a brand that's worth having neat you're already paying a premium. Neat charges I've seen range from $2-$4, so add that on to


And fuck neat charges while we're at it, especially if they don't advertise it. I understand they might pour a bit more in the glass but I'm looking at a price fort a certain amount and would like to pay that price.

It's always fascinating to see Mother Nature in action.

They used your photo?

"Crosby's tear-soaked handkerchief was unavailable for comment."

In the UK, I'm sure. However, in the US there has been a deluge of information and headlines about this hack while I have seen scant articles about the UK situation. It's a question of priorities.

Boom. Roasted.

That, and pollen or dust in the air can really mess up a workout.

This is the absolute worst Hunter S. Thompson impersonator I've ever seen.

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