
Completely blind intersection and sirens can be difficult to locate in an urban environment. The house on the left prevented the car from seeing the cop.

Oh no. The Lakers would only end up with the best PG in the draft.

Boltman is also not the Chargers mascot. He was just a dude with season tickets. Glad he’s on the list though. Who wouldn’t love that terrifying face?

It’s e mount, therefore it can. You can use any canon or sigma glass you want with a metabones or MC-11 adapter.

I love everyone is cursing. My kinda fuckin’ people.

I know plenty of people who do this, mostly because it’s borderline unbearable to live anywhere else in this state.

Yes, there is a passenger-side brake for the instructors. I’ve driven 4 cars there. They all had the brakes. The Lambo Gallardo and Huracan both had them. No steering wheel though.

Does it hide cocaine and stripper glitter well though?

Why? Is the American flag not good enough for them anymore?