
No, it’s funny that people don’t see that the argument is flawed, because violence in tv and movies is simulated, but nudity is not.

It’s really not, not in the mainstream anyhow. I’ve lived all over Europe, all over Asia. Closest I’ve come to it, is Greece, you’l frequently see bare breasts when they shoot segments of summer weather for weather forecasts etc. Maybe some Northern European countries are pretty liberal towards it too, but no,

Apparently people aren’t making the connection that the status quo is there because violence in tv and movies is simulated, but nudity isn’t.

They are following the general societal level of acceptance. While in a game, yes, both are simulated, it’s still working off a societal norm that is based on the fact that violence on tv and in movies is simulated, whereas nudity is not.

No, but it has been invalidated by the fact that people haven’t had some kind of epiphany, have considered it, and still come to the same conclusion.

Not just americans, literally every society on the planet.

*you think it’s a problem, it’s not necessarily a problem.

Nah, it’s not really. See (not in this case, but most) violence is SIMULATED (they don’t actually shoot actors, shocker I know) but nudity is NOT generally simulated, that would be very strange.

a) America is not the world.

Are you... agreeing with me here?

Can’t agree I’m afraid. The ‘revelation’ was not interesting or smart enough. Really let down by it.

“What social network was responsible for Hitler or Stalin or Mussolini or Putin or Andrew Jackson?”

In your opinion.

I didn’t know that people didn’t get that presenting the argument repeatedly to no avail was redundant and annoying.

Is it? Can you qualify that?

Funny how people are still presenting two decade old arguments.

“overly done animations”

You should do better than ‘I hear’ if you’re going to engage in defamation.

Not very, considering The US has been exhibiting signs of a police state for years now. Google ‘Dakota pipeline police’ to see all the proof you could need of a disproportionate, militarized and unaccountable response to peaceful protests.

*you’re. Also, please look up ‘false equivalence’, ‘mental gymnastics’ and ‘confirmation bias’.