
But it’s not cheating. Developers quite frequently go on spanning sprees for actual cheaters, its frequently reported on right here. Ergo this is not cheating, because it’s a fucking licensed product.

It’s a licensed product. They’re not going to patch out a fucking licensed product that they fucking licensed are they. Stop being so violently fucking stupid.

Nope, I’m not, because it’s still a fucking licensed product, you turbo spastic.

Not it isn’t. Had a XIM myself back in the KZ2 days. Nothing ‘huge’ or even a ‘leap’ about it.

It is not cheating, nor will it get patched out, because SONY endorse the fucking product you turbo spastic.

It’s not ironic. You are the idiot.

Licensed= official. You can try and go down the semantics route, but you will still lose. SONY is entirely aware of the product, and endorse it. They’re hardly going to patch it out then, are they, you fucking numpty.

It’s really not. Had a XIM myself, and it’s nowhere near that drastic of an improvement.

LOL this is an official Sony product, doubt they’ll be patching it out...

Nah. Actual cheats, like hacking, yes. It really doesn’t make a whole lot of difference.

‘popcorn flick’ is such a bloody cop-out term.

Your link doesn’t work.

Nope, he’s right. The tweet was dumb, but neither of the things you claim. Anyone he ever interacts with, romantically or otherwise, will be safe in the knowledge that at least his vocabulary is better than yours.

Neogaf should be getting a cut of all of Kotaku’s revenues.

You don’t fucking say?

Except it does, and if you actually read the posts in this thread, people recount their experiences of being griefed by people exploiting, forcing them to spend money they don’t have themselves on repairing things they’ve bought and then had destroyed by those that aren’t affected by repair/insurance costs themselves

Citation needed.

Got a few lines into the description of the costume before I thought ‘Fuck me, this must be an Evan Narcisse post.’


SNL hasn’t been funny since its inception.

Lately though, there have been some decent sketches.

This wasn’t one of them.