
That’s a great gif, wonder why I’ve never seen it before.

No. Basically, online cheaters are scumbags, and they ruin the experience for everyone else. Fuck cheaters.

It seems to be a term that is being used more these days, there must be some semantic argument for it seeing as more and more medical staff are using it.

Yes so why the fuck is he referencing Star Wars? It’s completely random.

We understand the reference, just not the reason for its use in this instance? It’s very random.

Bizarre title, confusing, then on top of that, you don’t tell us what this guy is and why he’s featured off the bat, we’re left to assume thanks to his showreel links.

The macabre nature of his death overshadowed the emotional aspect of it. Hard to feel angst and desperation when someone’s fucking eye is hanging out.

?? This documentary is out months if not years at this point.

Considering they’ve all but abandoned the original, yeah, its a sequel. Day 1!!

I’m not american, thankfully. And I agree, our right and left tend to be far more moderate. It’s essentially Pantomime in the US these days. But I do reckon Corbyn is full of it; just like Bernie, he goes on about ‘the people’ but at the end of the day he’s there because he fucking loves it.

With products like the yeti and the Seiren out there I really gotta ask at this point, are there sponsored articles? They really read like advertisements, not reviews.

If y’all ain’t declaring your sponsored posts, you-know-who are gonna raise hell, you know that right?

Elizabeth Warren would be a much better choice. Top bloke, Biden, but he’s a Republican in Democrat’s clothing that one.

I knew the semantics guy would be first.

It’s been done before with tablets, and the exact controller configuration doesn’t look comfortable; the sticks and buttons should be placed further apart.

A MOBA that actually costs money?

Remaster, and is already out.

Can I get a HELL YEAHH for repetitive stress injuries caused by bending your forearm for hours at a time?

Also, a hipster. Don’t forget that.

“I am saying tough shit if they miss out on these types of things because they do not appear on major news sites.”

a) then how would people know about it