
Spirit of Justice is far superior to Dual Destinies. No excuse to make this oversight when the game’s been out for weeks.

Also, wtf is with the amount of ads on this article on mobile. There’s one after every goddamn entry.

I’m replying when you shitpost, you turbo mong. You are the one who keeps replying to me, you thunderous fucktard.

More projection. So you’re poor, unlikable, a #triggered shitlord troll AND a pervert? Damn.

I’m not poor, but now I’m thinking you’re projecting, so you’re a virgin AND poor? Damn son.

Hahaha, enjoy dying a virgin. :)

Nah, the physics are accurate IMO (maybe one of the more realistic implementations I’ve seen actually) but that doesn’t save this pathetic piece of software.

It needs to be completely different. New universe, new baddies etc. Destiny is so... mediocre. Oh and, please add stuff to do; other than jumping through ridiculous hoops to get the next slightly whackier 3D gun model with slightly higher numbers attached.

Trump and the rest of the Radicalized Right get plenty of attention. Ergo, this shouldn’t trigger you as much as it does.

“On a side note”-

Emulators are not illegal. Also, there are tons of emulators available on Microsoft products like... Windows. No ‘repercussions’.

Would the fact that it’s been restored affect the insurance claim at all?

When its entirely accurate, of course; you silly Pepe.

something *racist and bigoted. Point went ‘slightly’ over your head there.





Jezebel was never good. When I say ‘Gawker’, I mean the umbrella network. Only Gizmodo, lifehacker, io9 were (and still are) decent, deadspin and sports ones too I guess, if you’re into that sort of thing. Kotaku, Gawker, Jezebel have been shit tier since inception.

*not in any way offensive.

How has Gawker gotten WORSE since the whole lawsuit/sale debacle???

“Hey, I provided my own stats.”- No, you didn’t. Again, this is a frequent discussion on gaming and pcgaming subreddits. Big AAA multiplatform multiplayer games stay far more active for far far longer on consoles. Google it, and then fuck off. Thanks.

“I don’t think putting her in a coma is going to make that happen Bendis.”

*No actual eyeroll present, she looked to the right, so LET’S FREAK THE FUCK OUT YOU GUAYZ SHE THROWING SHADE.