
Gorgeous, and so polished. Is there an option to turn off the motion blur? How complete/how long is the game at its current state?

Actual (war) criminals vs innocent people. So yeah?

“Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”-

God, another? The first was painfully middling.

1) Yes, they are. They are underwear, outside of his main garb.

#firstworldproblems are bad enough... #firstworldcomicbooknerdproblems are so much fucking worse though.

Someone needs to read Batman’s later years in the comics, badly.

You must laugh at sooooo many games. Pretty much all open world games, sans maybe recent GTA games. Fallout must be comedy gold for you.


Not with a wireless adaptor. This new controller has bluetooth too.

Says someone who actually has no clue how much OP knows about addiction.

... five years? Even at a solo hobbyist pace, dude trippin’.

There’s no indication that that was her motivation. At all. If anything, it seems her leader sent her off on this mission, whatever its for (the actual motivation).

Works fine, I got the idea just fine.

What on god’s green earth are you babbling about? It’s cycling through her available costumes you numpty! Jesus tap dancing christ!

THAT is your statement that triggered your reaction? Gawker is REMARKABLY myopic towards the existence of other nations (outside maybe Kotaku and Japan, for obvious reasons).

“Did you know I’m an atheist?”

Nope. All of my posts have the same message. BvS is a fine movie. The dumber parts of the internet decided waaaay prior to its release, that it sucked, as it was a Zack Snyder film. You are a part of this dumb side of the internet.

...why dafuq did this dude buy a sound card... and using that retarded mustard race term... he needs proper guidance smh...

Consoles have been getting revised models since the Playstation 1. This model is less of an upgrade than the 360 Elite was to the original 360; that got HDMI which was a much bigger boon. You’re not fooling anyone, mustard racer. GTFO.