
Aye found that eventually. Good news.

“HBO’s refusal to release more Game of Thrones episode descriptions is a silly stunt”.

Have you got a source?

My question is, is the Slim’s HDMI capable of 4K, and at what Hz? They didn’t specify what HDMI spec the port is.

It’s not particularly hard to decipher. He’s handcuffed to tech, like humanity is. The baby is also attached to a wire. Humanity likely ruined that child’s future and he’s weeping for it. The scene at the beach is representative of how we’ve fucked up our planet, but also it’s representative of humanity; you could

This demo was Konami 2010 E3 showcase levels of embarrassing. I hope this is not representative of the whole game’s combat...

The word you’re looking for is ‘stylized’.

“it’s because it was a mediocre film that utterly failed to live up to its core idea.”

Trailers are vertical slices of films that feature footage and plot points of the film in question you fucking moron. And this trailer felt that Superman’s character development was such a huge part of the movie that it game a whole trailer to it (and I believe a second one too). There was one CGI heavy action based

I have less sympathy if the creators are PCMR who refuse to upload to consoles. Wonder if that’s the case.

Are you one of those people that doesn’t understand what ‘opinion’ means?

“What did I add in?”-

“Sorry, but you lost ALL credibility” - I think I may have lost all credibility when I actually spent time trying to convince some fanboy basement dwelling moleman internet troll. I’m rectifying that mistake now. I’ve posted conclusive evidence disproving your bullshit, including trailers. You’ve tried to waffle your

Are you still fucking here? What, do they only allow an hour of internet every month at the asylum or something?

I feel like a lot of commentators here are missing the indicators of why this joke was aimed entirely at making fun of himself.”-

A lot of gamers are just fuck’n weird, man...

This is starred 645 times. It is not starred enough.

Tuned in for some DT hilarity, saw more ineptitude than Polygon trying to play Doom. I understand the controls are intentional FUBAR, but were y’all playing with your feet?

Dude, what the effing hell is with your borderline psychotic obsession with race? Your walls of text aside, you’re quickly becoming the worst writer on this blog because of it. Life must be tough being outraged so much. You think the comic house that runs Black Panther killed off a black character because they were