
It was a rhetorical question, the answer is of course no. Unless you’re adding tragedy based on weight? Slightly more of a human was lost as opposed to a svelte French person etc.?

What has that got to do with anything? You expect every nation in the world to release a statement about a plane crash?

Flagged as attempting to bully people for racism that is completely absent from the scenario, then trying to run behind mods skirts when pulled up on it.

You can keep going, but you won’t have the last word I assure you. Mod will see you abusing the reporting system and take action against you.

Ooooh, I’m scared now. Giving the harasser/bully some of their own medicine and they suddenly don’t like it very much do they?

Stop calling for tokenism in a movie you haven’t seen yet please.

Hey, get out of the kitchen if you can’t take the heat. You came in here, harassing, bullying and trying to put a dude on the spot. Now get gone. Nobody said ‘the internet’, I’m sure you’ll find a place on tumblr. But not in this thread. Get gone. I can keep doing this forever.

“It seems no US citizens were aboard the flight.”

No. He didn’t say that ‘he didn’t realize’ at all.

Soon as you stfu and go away, I will.

Nope. I am not.

No you’re not, that was your only objective here, and no they weren’t genuine questions.

Nah. The arena’s are too small for it to be considered a decent Powerstone clone. And I love how they managed decent animation in the cinematics, but barely serviceable animation in the actual game...

Nope, I just checked and yeah, I got the right person.

By asking idiotic questions when you already know the answer before you ask it.

So, they’re not actually twins.

“this scene feels like it would be the climactic battle of the film—but there’s an even bigger spoiler on the site hinting that it could happen earlier in the movie, and why.”

This nothing to do with $$$, or the tech catching up. They roll that phrase out every so often, Lucas coined it for the prequels and it was mostly bull then too. It is bullshit of the highest order in this particular case and completely untrue. The CG is generic as all hell and in no way pushes the envelope like LotR,

You’ve done literally nothing but put words in people’s mouths and pointed judgemental fingers at completely innocent people since you entered the thread.

Yes. Stop wasting my time.