
He is a Baratheon. His claim is stronger than Tommen’s, even though he is a bastid. Also, Robert had lots of bastids lying around but this one was focused on. Confident we’ll see him back. Things seem to be culminating on a significant dust up in the midlands, where lots of long unseen players are currently at.

You can thank Michael Bay.

Everything at Color Designer and above seems fine, if you factor in rent and don’t have a family. Strange tiering of titles though, Color design and Storyboards higher than key animators?? Especially considering some animes come from Mangas which already have the frame pretty much worked out, that Storyboard position

That doesn’t answer his question...

I guess we learned nothing from the whole epileptic thing from back in the day.

“ the many, many Martells”

Nope; and opinion is always an opinion.

Opinions, what are they? The internet may never know.

I wonder if those type C’s would take a GPU dock?

*Doesn’t actually declare himself a god, more an overachieving philanthropist.

...locoroco got a PS3 game? How is that news to me?

What could go wrong is that certain part of the internet that is incredibly twitchy and ready to explode at anything could blow this out of proportions.

It would be strange if it wasn’t Nintendo.

It does if they expect them to... y’know... fit most women.

“We were told the person who gave us the original quote “was not authorized to give a statement” and that this was the real statement.”-

Noticeably nice sound job done on this video :)

SSD’s won’t affect frame-rate/visual fidelity, which is the whole point of the PS4K.

How long till an american corporation copyrights it and sells it off with a huge markup? ;)

So what I get from this article is, fuck Ridley Scott.

You think somebody sat down and had a long talk with C-3PO?