
Dude imagine this: self delivery

I think the seeds of their failure were sown when they turned away from fully digital distribution. People got up in arms when it looked like the xbox one would work like steam, with disc games binding to your account permanently. Microsoft backed down and said they cancelled that plan.

All of these Brunch Belt media axis pieces about how “we need to try to understand these people!” conveniently ignore the fact that the nation’s big cities contain large populations of young college graduates hailing from the sorts of places that went 80% for Trump and understand Trump voters very well.

On Tuesday, November 28th, two employees of KIOW made comments that were insensitive, thoughtless and degrading to others. These comments were deplorable, and the staff and management of KIOW in no way condones or supports these comments.

Oh, honey.

Always a solid move for a white South African employer to tell a black employee to toughen up and just deal with working alongside a racist.

“Be patient, have a thick skin, and a big bank account balance.”

“This is horrible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So when’s my car gonna be ready?” — Model 3 reservation holder

I’m not an economist, but 2017 is stupid and every subsequent year will be stupider, so this will definitely happen

Easy fix. Tell Ben that you do NOT consent to having the ball thrown at you.

I call bullshit. There are many phones that ‘work’. The iPhone has become more than that. A status symbol of sorts, or a, I want that phone because all my friends have one product. It’s a well designed and built phone, with great software, but there are other phones just as capable out there that are not $1000.

The gun he had was already completely illegal.

Lmfao you must be even higher than I am! Have you ever been to Chicago’s south side before? I have, and it’s strictly zero tolerance when it comes to guns in that city. The only problem is that damn near every citizen has at least one or two semi autos, many have automatic weapons as well, and literally not a single

First, christ man let the bodies cool first at least.

Second, witnesses report the weapon was fully automatic, which are already subject to strict gun controls and rarely found in civilian hands.

“The first thing about the Essential Phone that grabs your attention is its design. Just look at it. “

The head of cyber security at HBO should be forced to take the black.

And that has exactly shit-all to do with whether a private company gets to say, “Take your fucking business elsewhere you Nazi shitheads.” The Internet is not a public space. It is not an American space. And there is a vast difference between, “I am not allowed to curtail your life and liberty for saying this” and

I just cannot support the notion that people with fringe ideas should be shut down just because most of us disagree with them and find them abhorrent. The solution to bad speech is not censorship it’s MORE speech on the topic. Tocqueville was very prescient when he said, more than 200 years ago, that the greatest

Well, if you’re a woman in tech, you probably often need a drink anyway.

“A7? That some new hipster vodka?”