
but greenbacks have “In God We Trust” printed right there...

not only does trump always use a cart, his is reportedly set to go faster than everyone else’s...

The Country Bears would like to speak with you. That is once Mission to Mars is through...

so, how many picks does he throw when he tries to force a pass to thielen the next game? 2? 3? 4?

i forgot!

let us know when youll be coming through. if you get into kenosha early enough, be sure to check out Frank’s Diner. If you get in later than breakfast, you MUST head to Elsie May’s Canning and Pies, if not for the world’s greatest pies, then for a great photo op at the the Kenosha Gremlin Mural across the street (5819

the scariest part is when the del taco dude stares right down the barrel at you, stealing your soul just before he eats a zesty chicken hardshell taco.

i rolled the dice when it dropped to $25 before. i havent had issues yet (cross fingers) and use it a lot more than i thought.

i rolled the dice when it dropped to $25 before. i havent had issues yet (cross fingers) and use it a lot more than

rat emoji

Most coaches don’t coach to win.

this is truly a loss. 

maybe he just needs a snickers bar?

i wanna step in and congratulate them for listening to feedback AND making the change so quickly. many times you will hear a, “give it time; it will grow on you,” reply. they heard the feedback, realized how people felt and it was a poor design choice, then changed it DURING THE GAME.

i dont think anyone on the production staff noticed. that was sad for me.

im happy someone outside my family noticed. we werent sure if it was a tribute until the second penalty that resulted in a first down and he didnt draw it out. i even called my dad to talk about it, and we dont talk during games until the playoffs.

i gave up on brownie mix after trying this super easy Katherine Hepburn recipe. chances are you have all this stuff at home anyway:

how’s her arm? because if she completed a pass on a fake it would melt this nation.

maybe saffron, but let me check the color of my urine first...

they seem to both be about mossad and having someone embedded and losing their identity. i joined the LDG party late (after midsommar) and really liked it. couldnt find LDG on netflix or prime. maybe it will be put up on prime. netflix has a way of seeing something it likes and getting something “kind of like” it.

does this mean netflix will get the rights to stream the awesome “Little Drummer Girl” with Florence Pugh, Alexander Stellar Skateboard, and Michael Shannon?