
His voice reminds of Mark McKinney from Kids in the Hall kinda and they sort of resemble each other (or at least enough). 

I don’t think it’s legal to keep colicky babies up that late so I’m not sure who they’ll get to play Kavanaugh.

That was the moment where I first thought, he did some shady stuff in high school.  

His virgin defense is him saying that he was too sexually incompetent to commit sexual assault.

I dunno, do YOU get black out drunk? Huh? HUH?

It’s election night all over again... this time I have 2 years of therapy and my ADD is under control. 

How do you know you country is fucked? When you can’t tell if you are listening to a Men’s Rights Activist or the current nominee to the Supreme Court.

Kavanaugh’s angry tirade about accusations “coming from the left” puts me firmly in the no confirmation camp. That sort of outburst is not something I want to see coming from a Supreme Court justice nominee.

This is all giving me horrible anxiety and yet I can’t stop listening to/reading the livestreams.

The red-faced bellowing and outright threats of score settling certainly aren’t filling me with empathy. 

If anyone needs help visualizing this guy as a belligerent and abusive drunk, an approximation is on basically every fucking channel right now.

Hopefully a lot of guys decide to, and actually do die on the Hill today.

I am mad that the great costumes shown at the end of the last movie have been thrown away for generic duds. What the hell!

The general public will never buy into those sorts of comic deep cuts. Next you’ll be suggesting people will one day care about silly sounding stuff like Mjolnir and Jarnbjorn, or something as obviously ridiculous as “Infinity Gems.”

I saw Veronica Mars long before I ever saw The Wire, so whenever I hear "Where's Wallace?" I want to respond "Where's Weevil?"


I'm nearly certain that Veronica's mother appeared in a flashback in the pilot played by the same woman who played her in all subsequent appearances.

He's kind of a film noir femme fatale… only male, of course. I wonder if that's the real problem. It's not a character type that works for viewers in the case of the male? In which case, that says more about us than about the character.

I cared for him because he was exactly what Veronica needed in a friend. He remained loyal to her in spite of how she manipulated and took advantage of him, and how she would go long stretches of taking and taking from the relationship without giving. His presence as a moral center was also a necessary contrast to