Well Placed Rocket

Counterpoint: 6'4" is awesome.

High five to all my 6'4" bros, and if you are a 6'4" sis, please call me.

Man, I wanna hear more about him in the rando car. That sounds like the beginning of an action movie premise. Did that guy drive him to the police station? What was that ride like?

This is a perfect example of G/O stuff at it’s best. It’s a short, extremely efficient post about memory, loss, and a cat. It’s genuine, intuitive, and emotionally resonant, and I wish I had writing talent like this. It’s shit like this that makes Kotaku and Deadspin my favorite pages on these many internets.

If you think basketball with the guys down at the YMCA is at all the same as D3 college ball, let alone D1, I’m here to tell you it isn’t. And there is no such thing is real rec league football - which is for the best. Edit: and is there such a thing as rec league track or swimming? Or gymnastics? You need kinda

+1 Sodom and an additional +1 Gomorrah

This is the exact kind of stupid joke that keeps me scrolling down to the comments. Take your star and GTFO.

Man, I don’t like Jameis, I don’t want to like Jameis, and I don’t want to feel at all bad for the guy, but he is just so FUCKING CHEESY that I can’t keep my body from wincing at him. I should relish how embarrassing he is, but I feel embarrassed for him, and I don’t like that feeling.

Ehhh, I’m gonna push back on that one. The extent to which the NCAA has industrialized the labor of unpaid football and basketball players for breathtaking profits is absurd, but the notion that sports should be eliminated at colleges is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Are you suggesting we eliminate ALL

At one of my local bars, they do a “mystery beer” deal, where you get a bottle or a can for $3.00. I imagine they do it to get rid of some beers to create more storage space in their fridges. One time the mystery beer was Corona for like 2 weeks. I passed. And it’s not like I have a sharp palate.

This reminds me of regret in college, and it’s not like we were choosy about our beer.

I cannot stop staring at that amazing picture. Literally nobody looks at all happy to be there, and as though trying to pretend otherwise is pointless.

Menlo College, I’ll be damned. I missed sharing a football field with Nate by a few years. They came to play us in Minnesota once, and since we had to scour the country to find teams we could actually be competitive with, I was hoping a D3 school from Cali might get us a win. SURE DIDN’T. They got a TD using a trick

“Philly fan”? Oh dear, hon.

My friends and I have joked for years that Ben Roethlisberger looks like Grimace, he is a Grimace, his name is Ben Roethlisgrimace and it had always been fun hyperbole for us but holy fucking shit, buddy.

Man, literally every night. I have zero motivation to do it in the morning, but I always do it right before bed.

But I like how it feels to get into bed when my blankets are all neat and straight and not crumpled up underneath and around me.

What the actual flying fuck is "Butts Up"?

Random question, but since she specifically says no “mixed race” weddings, does that mean they’d be fine with doing weddings with a black couple? Or an Asian, Latinx, Native, etc couple?

Jesus, buddy. I get the Biden antipathy, I really do, but this is "Fair and Balanced" ethos in action right here.