
The sidequest are totally boring, but it’s funny. So many people look at that as a knock against open world games, but I actually like it when games have a steady stream of boring, but fulfilling side quests. I don’t know why I exactly like doing them when it’s so boring, but give me an hour of doing fetchquests in

Actually, he generally opposed slavery and he and his wife funded efforts to free slaves in the South. He and his wife also set up a school for slaves (which was illegal, BTW). But he was a product of his time, too, and any idealism he may have held about slavery had to be tempered against what he considered to be

Look at that header image, New Donk City, Dixie street, Diddiy’s Mart, it’s Donkey Kongs Urban Jungle

Anyone else just see the clean version of this???

Before we even bother testing it we should just bottle it and brand it! What could go wrong?

As long as it’s not loli or shota and well animated I welcome any and all fanservice.

Actually here is the calculus:

The will of the people is the popular vote. The electoral college is specifically spurning the will of the people by voting for Trump.

Hah! You think THAT’S bad? Celesteela, one of the Ultra Beasts, is almost kaiju size.

It might be worthwhile to spend a few sentences on why some of this information is tracked. It can be done for nefarious purposes, but the vast majority of it involves unhappy corporate drones using commercially available tools so that they don’t get fired during the next round of layoffs.

I will say that that was a great remix of Cash Cash’s overtime, but I prefer The Noisy Freak’s version more.

Criticism is one thing, but when she worked on it and profited off of it then retrospectively cans it.....is called being a Hypocrite.

Im a bigger fan personally of how the fans have made her D.Va’s rival and Widow Maker, Reaper, and Sombra are now the evil family version of Mercy, 76, and D.Va.

I recommend Not Your Father’s Root Beer, which is beer that tastes like Root Beer. I should inform you that it’s a beer that you should sip as it does have a bitter aftertaste otherwise.

It crashed about 1 minute after I got into the fort in Helgan, but this time I can’t blame mods I have installed, because I didn’t install any yet.

There’s a sort of bone grid, called the cribriform plate, forming the wall between the anteroventral portion of the brain and the upper portion of the nasal capsule. All of the little holes in it allow nerves from the olfactory region of the brain to reach the olfactory epithelium. Unfortunately it also allows easier