Well Hung Jury

Think you spelled spawn wrong

This has to be my all time favorite kinja exchange

I have long suspected that Samer and Ley have a shared vocabulary list on Google Doc, featuring such heavy hitters as good, cute, and silly.

Is BCO still a thing?

Nearly wet myself when Kate said she wasn't dealing with the top brass in Close Encounter

Go back to Stormfront

Call me when Watt threatens a pedestrian with violence.

So if I say I’m not a hypocrite, then I’m not a hypocrite?

This spicy take is a house of cards

Some ancient work of fiction, I think

That was the only surprising aspect of this article.

Well played

Criminally few stars

Yes, PhilMickelsonsManTits, it is

Just like Wal-Mart’s wage hike was in no way related to the protests....

Naw it doesn't, that guy was a hell of a coach. He shocked the country by waltzing Mizzou into the SEC and knocking off good teams from the beginning.

GTFO of that relationship, sounds draining.

So true, if there's no image then the court of public opinion does not care

Diana is such an awesome reporter. If I was a shady sports figure, I'd be absolutely terrified of her.

Why does he owe some random student an apology, ridiculous