
Reverse: John Z.

I’m hoping for suicide doors with machine guns in them.

They will be backwards Lambo doors.

Didn’t the investigation find that he had no hand in the shutdown, but one of his aides/reports was involved?

It is odd that a soccer writer demands resolution of every plot.


Yeah I saw the first one. It had several obvious plot holes (DNA testing could be done in under two hours in 2010; nobody, really nobody on the streets at the end?; no meetings with royals to determine if the death was preferable to the public shaming) and doesn’t really have any social commentary points to make

Fuck Alzheimer’s.

more like Kirby Dumb

I think the bigger story here is why does the State of Michigan pension fund have 72 million in exposure in TSLA? How does this make any sense at all for any pension plan who are supposed to be more conservative by law with their retires money. Tesla books are ugly and they don’t hit their guidance. The only bull

If I were an Aston Martin driver, I’d be nervous right about now.

His clone probably wrecked him.

  1. Take the money and get it fixed.

I am going to say this again: fuck fox, FIA stream for the win.