we just keep driving

But even though Braasch hasn’t seen the video, she contends that she feels like it would exonerate her, adding that the “supervising officer who came late to the scene...was very hostile to me...He began berating me and I found his behavior to be very hostile...I was the harasser instead of the person being harassed.

*chef's kiss*

Nice to see the British MP’s display more grace and leadership than the Bros running G/O Media.

I feel like venture capitalists would consider theft a sport, right?

NO!!!! None of what she did is depicted in any way. Annabelle is a white doll.

I’m not ashamed to say that I’ll be drinking some warm apple cider (with a little jack or crown apple) and sitting back and watching this.

yeah this just screams “bad idea”, if this does happen I look forward to Nostalgia Critic tearing it a new asshole.

Can’t disagree with that. It’s good that we finally seem to at least be able to charge the shooter (sometimes), but if you want to clean up the police, you need to send the message that other officers can’t cover for this behavior or even stand by.

The headline could be better. My first thought after reading it was that this transgender person was made fun of in Chappelle’s special and later killed themselves- not that her and Chappelle were friends...

But he was white....I presume, so that’s ok

Eh, posting things to a locked, private social media account restricted to trusted friends and family is not meaningfully different from sending an email to a private mailing list, or just talking to a group of close associates around a dinner table. It’s fine to expect those people to keep what they hear private, and

Vladimir Putin has already offered Wohl and Burkman his help if they run on the same ticket in the 2024 election.

I mean, if you have to tell people at your press conference to stop laughing at you, you lost. Just take the L and go home.

FANPERSONS: Comic book movies don’t need to be callous, effects-laden spectacles made in a factory to print money for the studios! They can be artistic! They can be dramas, with as much to say about the human condition as any Oscar bait film! They should be considered seriously in the cultural conversation!

It’s not his fault the interview was held in a park full of squirrels across the street from the post office.

Money is truly the root of all evil.

Still not enough to convince the Republicans or the NRA that their cause celebre is fucking ridiculous.

The ad doesn’t show much that I hadn’t already seen earlier today watching my annual mass shooter training video for work. You run, hide, tie doors shut with shirts or belts, try to keep quiet, and pick up whatever you can find as a makeshift weapon as your last resort. I shouldn’t have to spend that much time

This is why I don’t find the Sandy Hook Promise ad shocking or distasteful in the slightest. It is the reality for far too many American kids.

Signed and contributed. White people really need to stop policing our bodies.