I tolerate a a variety of opinions not my own; I don’t tolerate ignorance and hatred.
I tolerate a a variety of opinions not my own; I don’t tolerate ignorance and hatred.
You know, I normally just ignore comments like these because I know nothing I say is going to make you change your mind. But you managed to piss me off enough to set aside my better judgment and respond. So, here is my response: go fuck yourself.
If you haven’t watch the Chef’s Table episode about Chef Mashama Bailey, I highly recommend it.
I was in Montana in 2004 for no on that. And the horses are even bigger when their hooves are coming straight for your head.
I wound up getting pushed up against a barricade as the crowd swelled and it became clear they really weren’t letting people through to the actual rally site. I kept begging with the cop to let us through because I could see 2nd (I think, it has been awhile and my city street knowledge is lax) was completely empty of…
And bonus, she doesn’t have to be married to that schmuck anymore!
Story not that entertaining. For work, many years ago, I brought a puppy to the Today Show. While hanging out and waiting to for puppy to go on air, she scooped him up and ran off with him. She was actually very nice.
I would argue Tucker Carlson has the most punchable face in show business, but I am actually commenting to say that coincidentally, Kathie Lee once (briefly) stole a puppy from me.
Yes. Every house is the same.
Just about anything would be better than letting Chip anywhere near that fireplace.
I don’t actually mind her aesthetic, I just don’t need it everywhere. I am terrified they are going to destroy what makes this place beautiful. I don’t think they actually do restoration, they just modernize.
I would have killed for Hamilton when I was working retail. One summer at a grocery store they had a loop that played Tiny Bubbles 2/3 times an hour.
Which is basically my life right now.
Possibly? I honestly don’t know.
Oh, not dismissing it at all; in fact I feel the people behind the scenes are really who gets shit done. I just wouldn’t mind someone as articulate and passionate as he as a candidate too. Whatever she feels is best for her of course.
Yep, and a lot of times they aren’t getting the job done as well as everyone thinks, they are just better at making it seem that way.
You are not alone. I would like to see her run for office but if she prefers working more in the background (I get that) then I am certainly going to look a lot more closely at whomever she is working for.
We already are at that place. I lived through a boss like Amy Klobuchar and it is dehumanizing to be treated that way but especially so when everyone dismisses your concerns/complaints. There is a difference between being tough and being abusive. I don’t want another bully-in-chief. This one just in a prettier package.
I was pulled over for expired registration a few years ago and the officer told me that they aren’t supposed to let you drive the car any further. I am not sure they actually impound it, but you can’t drive it without up to date registration. In my case, the officer let me drive home since I was a short distance away,…
Because we will watch anyone talking shit about Trump.