
Awesome guide, awesome post. Thanks Matt. Famiuly just moved into a new house and we are buying some new TVs (I think my dad and I already know we are going to get to Samsung LED 3DTV cause he already has one and it is unbelievable) but my Grandma keeps bugging me so I just forwarded this link :)

I want whatever the guy in the video is taking

*Steve Jobs Smiles*


And to add to your recommended list, an extra friend named Mary Jane :). Me and my friends love meteor showers!

10 bucks PETA will be all over this in less than a week...

hahahahahaahaha oh gosh

Yeah unmanned fighters will be great until someone figures out how to hack the signal and take control of the jet...

OK FINE GIZ! I'll update to 4.1 and rejailbreak now. I have been dreading it. Last time it happened my iPhone broke :(. But luckily for me, the Apple Geniuses didn't know I jailbroke it and gave me a brand new phone. yay

I can see a normal innocent Ice Cream Social going very, very wrong.

@Windhawk: hahahahahaha very clever

@Clashwerk: A puppy vending machine...now that just has fun and happy written all over it!

What if those herbs, um, grew a little bigger and started budding...would it fit those kind of herbs?

Ok, let me know if anyone else sees this, but the whole Ping-Facebook "misunderstanding" is a little ironic to me. Now I am a big Fanboy, but Apple has the history of being very stern and not changing their ways for anybody, but making everyone else change their ways for them. Looks like FB pulled a little Appley on

Wow, what a coincidence, but I downloaded this game last night and have not stopped playing it since then. There is so much more to it than you think in the beginning. Seems like a lame, boring, repetitive game but actually turns into a challenging and rewarding iPhone gaming experience. I love it. So worth the $1.

So, um, did Duke take off his space helmet for a couple seconds and take a wiff? Because something tells me it just doesn't work like that....

Haha what a coincidence, flew into the Indy Airport tonight and saw a big, fairly fat airport cop riding on one. I guess it is useful for them, right?

@maven2k: Question: I have looked at the specs for the droid x and droid 2, and the droid x just seemed much more appealing (i dont care much for a hard keyboard so that out of the picture). can you tell me a little more about why you like the 2 over the x?

I had verizon since i had a cell phone, and finally convinced my dad august of 2009 to get me an iphone. If this is really happening, im planning on unlocking it and selling it on ebay, which will sell for much higher than the buying cost, which will hopefully cover the att cancellation fees.