
@Jeb_Hoge: Wow that is a very interesting question. Thankfully I don't think that would happen but thinking about it I probably would pay for Google. It is such a crucial part of the internet. Funny to think about all the free services we use everyday and whether they are worth part of our income.

This is such a tricky decision for these companies. Capitalism will always prevail, and companies eventually need to start making real revenue (by real I mean $$ from something other than ads). But the problem that is posed, and seen from this survey, is that although social networks are big parts of people's lives,

ok so i just took my 3GS out of its case and gripped it hard, in multiple ways, and no signal drop. why is apple doing so much to deny the problem?

HAH! I bet this is what George's reaction was when he heard about this:

Hmmm that is one thing the Porn Industry and Steve Jobs have in common....maybe he will lighten up on his porn views??

@ProsumeThis: The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.

@Faxmonkey: The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.

Is it bad that this makes me want to head on over to amazon.com and order one? I can't tell if I am jumping on the bandwagon or just seriously want to here how annoying it is when it's right in front of you.

So effing exciting. When is it going to be available?!? tell me now!

Well, that was 3 minutes of my life down the drain.

My Dad and Mom bought a new house and I went up to visit them and help them move in. Of course he needed to get a new TV, so I didn't hesitate to go with him and help him (of course I had ulterior motives). Long story short, I convinced him to get Best Buy's 3D TV package with the 62 inch (or 60 I forget) LED 3D HD TV

i thought this was a smoking pipe.