
He should replace the guy on the Monopoly box.

That's Chairman Meow's job.

My friend's a manager at a Wells Fargo and even being in management seems shit to me. It seems like she makes OK money. Obviously I've never asked her how much she makes. But she constantly works a fuckton of overtime and she is salaried so doesn't get paid for it. She's constantly dealing with all sorts of

Sherlock Holmes. This character spawned the insufferable genius trope.

The Pope got involved in the talks because actually it's about ethics in game journalism.

If the genders aren't so different, I guess that means you don't respect men either.

I think a Dr. Seuss book would be too much for you to handle.

Teenagers often sneak out or lie about where they're going.

Yay for The Babadook being included! I absolutely loved this movie. One of the best horror movies I've seen in a long time. Australia has turned out some really impressive horror over the last handful of years. Lake Mungo and The Loved Ones are also fantastic.

Relax. It's not like he was selling loose cigarettes while black or anything thuggish like that.

Look at how proud you are for coming in here and shitting right on the carpet. Geez. Even unruly puppies grasp that they did the wrong thing and should be ashamed when they do the same thing.

To all the people who think rape or abuse should "just report" like it's so simple; this story right here is exactly why that's bullshit. Police departments have no problem allowing violent, entitled misogynists on their force. Why the fuck would any victim trust the police to investigate crimes against women in

Seventh Heaven was creepy then. It's creepier now.

I can scroll up and read your words you know.

I'm 34. It's hard for to grasp that there's someone my own age who actually thinks this way when I grew up thinking of these attitudes as outdated.

Child support is for the child. Not the mother. Someone has to pay for food, healthcare, shelter etc. for the child. Would you rather that be the parents or the taxpayers?

I see a few of these women actually murdering the fathers so that they don't have to carry the pregnancy to term.

I said this elsewhere, but I'm guessing he thinks it's only a rape if it's a stranger. If it's a husband, the wife is his property and it's her duty to have sex anytime he time he wants. Therefore, marital rape isn't rape.

I'm guessing when he said "legitimate rape" he meant that it's okay for a husband to rape his wife and then not give her permission for an abortion. Because wives are a husband's property.