
How much do you want to bet he was one of those guys who was worried about Obamacare death panels and can't see the irony that he is now proposing rape panels?

Child support is for the child, not the mother. Once a child is born, someone has to take care of it. That's either going to be parents or the state. For obvious reasons, the state is going to require parents to do it as long as they are capable.

But evil wimmenz love to sperm jack so we can be rolling in that sweet, sweet child support money. Won't you please think of all those poor spermjack victims?

I could not resist making a good white person cookie.

Acting like anti-blackness effects you as much as it does black people is ridiculous. It's okay that racism makes you sad and angry. It should. It's not okay to expect people to feel sorry for you because anti-black racism makes you feel bad. Not when you're not the actual victim of it.

Kinja is being an asshole and I'm not sure if my reply to someone else even posted, so I'm just going to copy paste it here.

I'm not trying to pick on you specifically but sort of picking a random comment to reply to here.

Jamie Dornan is really hot too. I don't think that movie will ever be watchable. Maybe in a get drunk and watch and walk a pirated copy with friends kind of way it will be watchable.

You're implying it.

I loved Third Eye Blind and Eve 6 :/

There's no evidence that any of Cosby's accusers are lying. It seems to me like you are JAQing in order to derail from the issue, which is that yet another person is being awful to rape survivors.

I somehow forgot to mention my favorite 90s band Blur. What is wrong with me?

I listen to all of those things and forgot to mention them.

But why say false rape accusations should be punishable when it already is? Especially since it's highly unlikely all of the accusations against Cosby are false. What's your point?

That's awesome. I don't think my cable provider has that channel but I'll check.

It's not as good as I'd hoped but it's preferable to all the sappy Christmas movies and reruns the other channels are airing. I'll still watch.

Wouldn't they at least think they'd need to get in a spacesuit and go outside to do repairs/maintenance? It's a little hard to believe nobody ventured out in 51 years.

And making sandwiches for men is pretty much domestic abuse!

I still listen to lots of 90's music too. Veruca Salt, Afghan Whigs, Pavement, Nirvana, old Tori and Bjork albums, Salt n' Pepa etc. I'm of the opinion that the music you listen to between 12-25 will always be your favorite music, and I was born in 1980 so that's a whole lot of 90s music.

Delusional moron and MRA aren't mutually exclusive terms. In fact they go very well.