
Way to pick out one little sentence you don't like so you don't have to actually address my point. Which is that a culture that is sexist against women does advantage men. Dismissing women's discussions of this culture as "emotional" is in fact one way that men use sexism to their advantage. You're gaslighting.

You think most people view paid maternity as a right because they were manipulated into it? By who? What do people in power have to gain by that? I think you're the one being a useful idiot here by speaking up for "right" of wealthy CEOs in the US to treat their employees like shit.

Men have the advantage of bodily autonomy, first of all. Second of all, when women have to put off pursuing their educations or their careers to raise a kid, that does in fact advantage the men who will never be put in that position.

Good point. Part of male privilege is that if you're a man, caring about issues that effect you is acceptable. Women are expected to be selfless. You don't often hear MOC or gay men called out for not being perfect at intersectionality and for speaking out on issues that effect them. Even though feminist women

Most of the people who mock "first world feminism" would classify things like black women being pressured to straighten their hair to comply with white beauty standards or trans people having the right to use the appropriate bathroom for their gender identity under that label.

The US is one of three countries that doesn't guarantee any paid maternity leave so apparently you would be in the minority not viewing it as a right. I hate to break it to you, but you're not the arbiter of what is and isn't a right.

But it is simple minded to assume that if someone criticizes gendered toys, they must not have ever discussed or cared about the oppression of women in less democratic countries.

I'm inclined to cut her some slack because she's so young and has generally always seemed like a good person (and let's face it, because I'm a big GoT fan so I'm biased). But it is funny that she said that considering that she's an anti-cyber bullying tactic and feminists get mocked for criticizing online threats and

Misogynists aren't interested in thinking critically about gender roles. I don't really care if they can't distinguish between the acceptable range of human emotion and misogynist temper tantrums that get mocked by us. Being nice to them doesn't help. Believe me. I've tried it. So, angry man children get mocked

I feel empathy for anyone experiencing genuine suffering. That isn't what manfeels are. Manfeels would be something like a man whining about how unfair it is that women want to be left alone on public transportation because of all the harassment we experience on it.

Same. Women after to worry about rape, sexual harassment, domestic violence, catcalling, discrimination at work, access to BC and abortion care, etc. etc. But some manfeels are hurt. DROP EVERYTHING!!! MANFEELS ALERT!!!

Besides all the obvious ASOIAF answers, I'd pick Claudia's death in Interview With the Vampire. My 14 year old self was devastated.

I was on a crowded bus. It was really difficult not to yell at right at the book and look like a maniac.

I guess that's why he wasn't cast on the show. The whole thing was probably just there to create tension between Dany and the Martells when (if?) she ever goes to Westeros.

This post really could have been "What's the most shocking moment in ASOIAF" and we would have plenty to talk about.

I just used this gif on Gawker, so why not CTRL + V that shit again.

Graft versus host is a serious disease.

You missed the point, dear. I'm saying that the notion that women are delicate flowers who can't or shouldn't do manual labor came from patriarchy. Not women.

Feel free to read the things written by MRAs or talk to one. I comment regularly on a blog exclusively devoted to mocking misogyny and they rage wank about it all the time.