
It's not just you. I thought the same thing.

You are very correct. On the other hand, the people that clutch their pearls over their precious snowflakes possibly being exposed to anything ever tend to be upper middle class in my experience.

If fetuses are babies, how come you forced birthers don't put pictures of ultrasounds on your billboards. Why do you put pictures of infants who don't resemble first trimester fetuses in any way? Why, it's almost like you're completely full of shit!

The real goal is for women to become chattel. But it would be bad PR to say this out loud so they grasp at these straws.

Women dying from unsafe illegal abortions is a feature in the right wing's vision of the future. It's not a bug. To them, uppity women who actually think they should be able to have bodily autonomy and actually believe they are real human beings are whores who deserve to die.

Why doesn't this have 300 stars?

Specifically, Hodor's dream.

I don't think GRRM abandons genre tropes. He puts his own twist on them. Jon does embody the hidden prince and the hero's journey in a lot of ways. He might even end the series as a king. That doesn't mean him becoming a king will be a happily ever after. I could probably go on forever discussing the other

That's really shitty. What's next? Are they going to feed shrimp to someone deathly allergic to shellfish and send them to the hospital?

Dogs are sentient beings. Not accessories. I could see a couple incorporating their own dog into the ceremony, but renting dogs in place of bouquets? No. Sorry to (dog) poop the party, but this really creeps me out. If I had dogs, I would never rent them out to some bridezilla. I am having fun imagining someone

I'm white and I don't get it either. I do actually enjoy German chocolate cake but white cakes tend to not be flavorful enough to mix well with coconut. If I were to have a wedding with a traditional cake, I would put a tart filling like lemon or raspberry in it.

All the yes!

Why would someone think they could sneak bacon into a dish unnoticed? Bacon is extremely flavorful. That's why people like it so much. I think that person was an idiot as well as an asshole.

I would call my mother a part time vegetarian. Pescetarian more accurately since she eats fish. She rarely eats red meat or poultry but once in a while at a restaurant or family gathering she will.

How is everyone supposed to be self righteous and judgmental if people are just going around eating what they want all willy nilly? Geez. Be reasonable here!

I worship Cheesus, not Jesus.

There are sanctimonious vegans out there, but it sure isn't every vegan. Self righteous veganism is a stereotype straight out of the neo-hippie 1990s. These days, self righteous paleo dieters are the rage.

Jackie is not the only one to make a gang rape allegation. I don't think they have a libel or defamation case here. It's also my understanding that Rolling Stone would have to have known that the allegation was false and printed it anyway for them to have a libel or defamation case. Since the allegation has not

What faulty premise? Regenerating into a whole new body leaves open any possibility. I would argue that it never made sense of the Doctor to be male every time. There was never any reason for it other than the sexist notion that women can't do rational problem solving or work technology well.