
Showrunners do pretty much carte blanche. They do have to answer to the networks they air on. They don't answer to fans. They have the power to determine canon. You don't. You have every right to criticize a TV show of course but "ew girls" is the reaction of an angry vocal minority and Moffat and the writers

First of all, the Doctor is not a human being. Second of all, the Doctor does not have immutable traits. Every actor has put something of himself into the role and the writers tweak their writing of the character with each regeneration. Thirdly, this post exists because the showrunner was hinting that the next

The fact that so many people are clamoring for a female and/or non-white Doctor is indicative of the show needing a shake up.

Doctor Who is western media last I checked.

This made me laugh, but no. It isn't him. He went on and on about how ugly black people so I don't think he'd say that any race is fine. I wouldn't put it past him to do something like this though!

So fucking creepy. He doesn't say he's looking for a teenage runaway to exploit, but let's face it, that's exactly what he wants.

This is what Ellen Page's character in Hard Candy grew up to do. Please somebody write this sequel!

The décor looks feminine to me. Especially the bedroom. Then again, to look at my place you'd probably assume a guy lives here. It lacks a gaming console but other than that, looks kind of dudely.

Since when have art and zeitgeist been separate? Culture influences art and art influences culture. That's always been the case.

Capaldi probably has a couple seasons left to go so she won't be that young. Although I'm too lazy to look up her current age. She did Harry Potter for years and has done lots of other roles since so I don't think she's too inexperienced either. I'd be all for Hermione Doctor.

How dare a show that has a big female fan base try to accommodate them? Oh the horror!

Of course not. Canon is determined by angry fans!

That would be the most amazing thing in the world.

Why is it forced? I hear this argument for why women and POC shouldn't be cast in things all the time and it never makes any sense to me. Just because the media presents white men as the default human doesn't mean that they are. Women aren't some sort of weird anomaly, we're half the population. If Doctors can

No. It just sounds like Moffat was sending out a test balloon and easing fans into it. They shouldn't need to be eased it, but I'm sure a vocal minority will pitch a fit.

Gallows humor is a time honored way of dealing with horrible things. I guess I should have remembered that this is the internet and everyone takes posts way too literally.

I had a slight pause. Gallows humor plays better over at Gawker.

I'm pleased that the revolution is starting but they need to go after bigger targets next time. An assistant manager isn't all that powerful. Go for the CEOs from now on.

He was great in AGOT and generally continued to be sympathetic throughout ACOK and ASOS but as his relationship with Shae develops it becomes more and more clear that he's got some issues with women. He even hits Shae in ACOK if I remember correctly. He was also a bit creepy towards Sansa after they get married.

So? I was talking about the attitudes of Greek system supporters in general. Not this specific frat.