
U mad?

I think paying employees shit wages has more to do with power than with money. They want downtrodden demoralized and powerless employees. Even if it makes the product suffer.

Any source more reputable than the diet industry? I really don't trust anything from anyone that peddles weight loss products. Everything I've ever read suggests that dieting actually fucks with both your body and your mind. As someone who has suffered EDs, my anecdotal evidence would certainly confirm this.

People lie about having cancer sometimes. Yet whenever someone else says they have cancer, everyone still believes them. It seems like rape is the only instance in which we make victims suffer because of the extreme minority of people who lie about it.

In the long run, I'm not sure if this matters. There have always been people determined to disbelieve every single rape allegation. It they don't point to one thing, they'll point to another. Rape apologists have always existed. They would exist if this or the Duke lacrosse thing never happened too.

7th and 8th grade were definitely worse than high school even though a lot of kids from my k-8 went to the same high school. Except for a couple of isolated incidents nobody was mean to me. I wasn't popular by any means but I still had a sufficient number of friends. It's really junior high that's the pits. I

Practically everyone at my Midwestern liberal arts college wore Abercrombie when I was in college from 98-02. I just didn't get it. Their clothes are hideous. I tried on one of my friend's logo shirts on a lark and it somehow just looked ridiculous and foreign on me. Why was that shit so popular?

Yeah, I mostly dressed normally at 12 or 13 and was still a loser.

Yet you're the one who took time out of your day to throw a tantrum because we dared to criticize something you like. Why would you even care what we're saying about this? If criticizing a porn is a waste of time, criticizing us for criticizing it is an even bigger waste.

What do you mean by "they shouldn't be made to stop?" Individuals criticizing something is not the same as the government banning something. We have every right to criticize a misogynistic and racist porn.

You mean Nordic people didn't think their mythological figures were ancient aliens?


Feminism can and should be intersectional. However, it is primarily a women's movement. It's the only movement that's asked to devote a significant amount of resources to the privileged class too. People don't and shouldn't ask anti-racism activists to devote resources to white people or LGBTQ activists to devote

One time a racist troll told me that it was offensive to cast Idris Elba as Heimdall in the Thor movies because it was appropriation of Nordic culture. I thought that was pretty hilarious. He then proceeded to tell me that I was a traitor to my people because I have Norwegian and Swedish ancestry and was not the

I think the video made the point well that wearing an ethnicity as a costume is bullshit. However, I don't think a white party would actually be terribly offensive to white people because we're the privileged group. Poking fun at and stereotyping us just isn't that bad. I'd get no more offended at a white party

People of any gender or sexual orientation can make poor choices due to sexual attraction. But Farrell is claiming that men are not the privileged group despite having the power, the money, the majority of seats in congress etc. because of oppression sexy butts. That's just ridiculous.

This is all the women's fault. They should have known better than to shower naked. If you don't want someone to take pictures you naked and distribute them, you should just never ever get naked.

Nice try, but no. The criticism of "the shirt" is that it added to the overall culture of hostility towards women in STEM fields. A culture that was in place long before an offensive shirt was worn. Nobody was ever arguing that the shirt by itself prevents women from working in STEM. I would expect a simple

But having an athletic build doesn't make you a "bad boy." Joseph Gordon Levitt, Terry Crewes and Tom Hardy all seem like nice people. They haven't been in trouble with the law that I know of. They don't have reputations as out of control partiers or womanizers. A lot of men still buy into these one dimensional