UVA looks bad. That's the real tragedy here. Not the rapes or the rape culture.
UVA looks bad. That's the real tragedy here. Not the rapes or the rape culture.
I thought precious kind of worked. It sounded like bitter sarcasm.
I could never imagine doing that to a friend. What the fuck is wrong with people?
Bros need other bros to drink with. Don't you know how important that is? Think of the menz please. How else are they going to find friends?
Lady brains are too stupid to think of just going the police! Thank god we have a man around to tell us to do that. We never could have come up with in on our own.
And one other thing, often times the police themselves rape women while on duty. Particularly women of color. Don't you fucking tell rape victims how to do things to your satisfaction. Write to your elected officials and tell them to fix the system so that police take rape allegations seriously and are held…
Jameis Winston's victim went to the police and they discouraged her from pursuing charges. The New Orleans police are in the news for not thoroughly investigating rape even going so far as to dismiss a toddler for not providing excellent testimony. It took intervention from Anonymous to get the Steubenville police…
I'm for all the Brad Pitts.
Also this
The charts I saw had the fertility rate increasing slowly but steadily over the past 15 years, but I only looked at the first few Google results so I'm not defending this to the death or anything.
Good point about the vehicle. I've read that too. It's hard to shoot a moving target, so even if the driver has a gun you're better off just running.
That's not true. It's equally offensive to all rape survivors.
I mean, from what I've read lots of experts on sex crimes actually recommend that you not fight back because it can be the difference between being raped or being raped and murdered. I've always told myself that if I'm ever being raped I'll fight back in hopes of getting injured so it will be harder for the rapist to…
I know : ( I used to get so excited when the show came on. I called it "The Duck Bill Show" for some reason.
I would love another Ted Haggard in a hotel room with meth and a male prostitute type scandal. That was my favorite all time scandal.
I'm not usually into violence but I kind of hope you kicked him in the nuts.
I'd say women putting purses and bags in the seat next to them is just as prevalent as leg spreading men. At least in the Twin Cities. But, I've never seen a woman put her bag on someone sitting next to her. Leg spreading men put their leg on their seatmates all the time.
It would be more believable if he had shared the three user names he posted under because then the story could be verified. Without even the most basic of evidence, I don't buy it.
If your goal is to put women in their rightful place as second class citizens, and that is the goal of the MRM, defrauding women of money is heroic. To the rest of the world, not so much.