
Fruit used to be a luxury. A tangerine or orange at one point was a great special Christmas treat. Now you can just get any fruit you want from anywhere in the world at the grocery store but it wasn't always so simple.

Writing about these issues on blogs and newsletters that only other Greeks read isn't solving the PR problem if you're only showing the defensiveness to outsiders. The defensiveness is all we see. Also, the defensiveness shows up in responses to reasoned criticism. So it would seem like some of you are interpreting

Are plus sized women shaped any different than regular sized women? It seems to me that women of all sizes come in different shapes. In fact I just bought a pair of jeans at Old Navy in a regular size and they had three different styles. One to fit straight up and down shapes, one to fit curvy shapes and one to fit

Agreed. I think the tone deafness is more on the part of Victoria's Secret who is partially responsible for our culture's absolutely ridiculous body standards.

In general I agree with you but I don't know if Anna Kendrick is the best example. Have you seen her in Camp back when she was still really young? Maybe it was just the hair and makeup but she did look pretty geeky and mousy. I think she's genuinely one of those people that had to grow into her beauty. Not that

Maybe if the good apples would spend more time trying to reform Greek culture, which obviously does have toxic elements or we wouldn't see a new horror story every day, and less time denying there's a problem and crying #notallfratsandsororities, people wouldn't be saying we should just scrap them altogether. You

You've also got to love the "rape and abusive hazing are bad things and all, but it would be really a shame if people missed out on making friends in frats/sororities."

So, you're using a fake anecdote you pulled out of your ass as an argument against feminism because you don't have any real substantive argument to make. Got it.

Why didn't Siskel and Ebert make their own movies?

See also, #notyourshield.

If you don't care, why are you throwing a tantrum?

Holding a door open is polite. That's why nobody actually yells at anyone for doing. That is a straw feminist you made up. You're blaming feminism for the figments of your imagination.

It's a good thing she doesn't actually claim games directly cause violent behavior or misogyny. She says that misogyny in games contributes to the overall misogyny in our culture and is therefore harmful. That's an important distinction.

Because. Women only get to be considered fully human if every one of us is perfect and we all coddle men at all times. Feminists are constantly told by angry dudebros that if we aren't perfect and docile at all times, they'll hate feminism forever. It's a silencing tactic. It reminds me of little kids who threaten

Because for the people who hate her, it's not about whether or not she makes her arguments well. It's anger that a woman has an opinion. It's anger at discovering that gaming is a hobby, not an exclusive club for boys.

It would help if the "activism" wasn't limited to tweets and emails to Gawker sponsors. Maybe if they were doing something substantive, the group would be more cohesive.

Occupy wasn't started as a rape movement so that's a false equivalency. GG was started as a harassment movement.

Well considering that the whole thing started to harass Zoe Quinn and ethics and journalism was invented after the fact as a shield against bad PR, you probably shouldn't be surprised that people view gamergate as all about harassment.

You missed my point sweetie. Why don't you calm down? Your irrational hysteria can't possibly be good for your delicate constitution.

Same here. Actually, I was jealous of the Jewish kids growing up because they got to miss school for their holidays and I didn't. I saw it as an advantage for them. As an atheist, I'm all for things being secular but this isn't a big thing I don't think.